About Me

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In the word's of my brother, I am here to practice unconditional love toward creation with as pure a heart as I can maintain.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Intro to the life of....

My name's Yeoryia. I was born in Minneapolis, Min on April 6th. That makes me an Aries but I don't believe in zodiacs b/c I think it's total bull. However, I do really really like animals and so I like the idea of having a special animal in accordance to my birthday. Maybe that's hypocritical, I don't know...but I like rams so take that with a grain of salt. 

Anyway, I come from a sizable family, there's 6 of us, my parents and 4 kids. I'm the baby...YES! ...not... I have a brother, Christofer, and 2 sisters, Sophia and Eleni. They're probably the most important people in my life. My best friend also counts as my sister, her name's Erin. We've been friends since 7th grade and have never once fought.  My parents are also up there and the "top fav" list of people in my life. They have interesting stories the both of them but they can tell it better then me so I'm gonna leave their stories out of here. Needless to say, I'm extremely proud to be their daughter and more or less they're my greatest examples. 

My extended family is pretty tight too, on both sides. We're all a pretty different but we get along well enough, typical family....only cooler. 
As you can tell family is pretty important to me, in fact it is the most important thing too me, at least in this world. Interesting story there too, stay tuned. 

I go to the University of Minnesota, I'm a Biology Major and a Journalism Major. I know they're different but I've got a plan don't you worry. Other then my family I think Jane Goodall has been one of my oldest role models. jane Goodall is a world-famous zoologist. She studies chimpanzees in the Amazon rainforest. Since I was young I've always been fascinated by the rainforest and I am hell-bent on visiting it before it is completely destroyed....thank you unsustainable consumerism. 

Other then that, I love nature, I love family friends and good company, good cooks (food=necessity for my good nature), reading, writing, and exploring. i try to cook myself, I'm not half bad. To put it simply I'm kind of one of those people who like everything. Except, I don't like consciously viscous or mean people, people get upset and sometimes do/say things they don't mean, but being mean for the sake of being mean is retarded.
Oh yeah, I don't believe in political correctness (it not b/c I'm racist or a bigot, but b/c I won't hold my tongue if I think something needs to be said just b/c it's not "pc" as they say...).

 I believe strongly in compassion, love and most importantly the Trinity. 


1 comment:

Marks of Faith said...

Hi Girl,
Glad to see you have a blog too. At first I was not sure was following my blog. : ) Look forward to keeping up with you.
Cromwell and I are in VA right now. More details later.
Jennifer & Baby Cromwell