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In the word's of my brother, I am here to practice unconditional love toward creation with as pure a heart as I can maintain.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Woah, I must be slow, tagged again

So i'm not going to tag anyone b/c everyone i know has already been tagged. But here's my bit:

I am: Sitting in my living room "studying" and thinking about when I should go to bed.
I know: that everything will be ok, i just forget sometime
I have: a stomach ache

I wish: i could find a away to make other's pain go away so they didn't hurt
I hate: when people are blind, not literally blind mind you.

I miss: my friends from out of state, i miss summer, and i miss childhood
I fear: settling for less then i deserve and failure
I feel: tired and calm
I hear: "the state of the world" by infinito
I smell:candle wax and my perfume, yum :)
I crave: inspiration and excitement
I search: for the answers for this sometimes wonderful, scary, silly, beautifully ugly, amazing life
I wonder: why i am the way i am, and if i am who i think i am?
I regret: not pushing harder to change
I love: writing, music, dancing, reading, seasons, family, traveling, kids, all things life
I am not: anything special, but i wouldn't call myself normal, but maybe that's wishful thinking?

I believe: in God, and all things good
I dance: all the time, not well mind you, but i dance the way i feel so whatever.
I sing: whenever i know the words to song, and more often then not, i'll make up words so my own songs so ...yeah, i'm not good at singing, but i like it, so i do it a lot.

I cry: when i shouldn't and am calm when i should be crying
I don't always: get what needs to be done, done.
I fight: when i believe it's worth fighting for, and then i usually won't back down
I write: about everything, and sometimes, i write about nothing
I win: you lose, haha.
I lose: my stuff ALL THE TIME
I never: explain myself well
I always: want the people around me to be happy
I confuse: myself when i think about the world too long
I listen: someone has something to say worth listening to 
I can usually be found: at the university library, or sleeping, or with Erin
I need: sleep or else i'm pretty crabby
I am happy about: being around lit candles and listening to good music
I imagine: going on amazing adventures and travels and finding wonderful people to fill my life with

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A penny for your thoughts? or maybe $5000 for those of professors?

So, here I am on a Saturday night, taking a break from the studying I hardly did to write about a life i don't understand. I was talking to my friend Yianni the other day and he made me acutely aware of how ridiculous the American University system is, maybe the universal system, I don't know, I've only ever gone to school here. 

I love animal, I want to be a zoologist, can some one tell me, why I'm studying the chemical reaction of a heart contraction? Anyone? Anyone at all? I don't want to know how the organs work I want to know how the animal works. And SURE it's interesting and SURE it's good knowledge but do you really think when I'm observing the behaviors of cougar I'm gonna think "oh cool, look at the fact that it's alive, that must mean his S-A node is working b/c his heart is beating... FASCINATING." There is so much b.s that goes into the University system, it's enough to give up on it all together. 
This is my theory:

 %50 of all course work is worthless, academic "fluff", if you will, put in t
o give students busy work. College is supposed to be "hard" so they make is so by giving you insane amounts of work to keep you busy so you feel you're getting your moneys worth. 

25% of course work is general, topic specific information, you don't really need it, but it's interesting and it gives you a general idea of the subject you're studying.

 10% is extra credit work. Tasks that, if ac
complished, will separate the students who are really meant for the field and those who are just farting around. 

 10% percent of course work is mandatory knowledge you need to succeed. Fundamentals of the topic you are studying. This 10% is what you have to decipher a mist all the other "fluff" as truly important and it is this information you must master.

 5% of college work is the really really hard questions of the test, meant to separate the truly brilliant from the mediocre student. The knowledge that aces the test. 

So that's my theory about University
. It's nothing more then a game and those who know how to play it are cunning not necessarily smart.  Now having said that, I need to go study the neuromuscular junction of the human heart. I love science :)


Thursday, October 16, 2008

tag...i'm it?

So I guess if you get tagged you have to fulfill the requirements of that particular tag...is that right? Well I'm going to play it like that.
Ok, so I have to list 6 things I've learned this month...and I'm just going to say everything from school doesn't count.

1. I learned 7 new chords on the guitar, I can play some bob dylan!!
2. I learned how to drive a 15 passenger van
3. I learned that patience is a virtue and waiting won't hurt you
4. I learned that family will always be family and the sooner you accept that, the easier life will be
5. I learned that 90% of the time the way you treat people will be the way they treat you only x2
6. I learned that the best way to help others is to offer them the best of who you are. Therefore, it is paramount to always work on bettering yourself.

Well, there, I think that's enough life lessons for one month. 

I'm off to Madison tomorrow, I have a regatta there over the weekend. To be perfectly honest I don't really want to go, I haven't really found my groove yet on the team but it's ok b/c I like sailing and that's what matters. I'm really tired, and for some reason my wrist hurts. Actually, it's not for some reason, it's because some space cadet hit me with their car when I was biking around the university and me, being the naively nice person that I am told them not to worry about it. I didn't get any of his info and what happens the next day? My wrist hurts like hell that's what!! 

So now, 2 weeks later, my wrist hurts....yeah for stupidity!
Bonsoir mes amies!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bum, Dumb, totally Numb....

I've been in a funk as of late. It has been frustrating. All I want to do is sleep. 
Now for those of you who know me well you're probably thinking "All you want to do is sleep? ok, so what's different? that's all you ever want to do." Though that is true to an extent, recently I've been sleeping 12 hours a day...that my friends is abnormal. 

No matter how much I sleep, I'm ALWAYS tired. Not only that though, I feel numb. 

Hmmm, I'm not really explaining this well, when I say numb I mean that I can't focus. Nothing seems to phase me, the Kingdom could come and I feel like I'd be like, "cool, wake 
me up when it gets interesting."  I feel like life has just gotten to the point where it's like "GO! GO! GO!" all the time. Where you have to keep running just to stay in the same place. Everything is moving so fast that you can't keep up. If you stop for a breath you're behind. And if you rest you lose, game over. 

My life has never been this busy.  I don't mean to sound dark, or depressed. Generally I'm actually I really happy person. It's just that I feel like I can't keep up.  Don't get me wrong, I love everything I'm doing and I know how truly blessed I am to even being doing half of what I'm doing but regardless, I can't keep up. Yet there's so many wonderful things to do I don't want to miss out, so I just keep piling it up. I guess that's probably why I'm so busy. I never have been able to say no to th
ings well. 

I know it's going to be ok and I know life will not always be like this. Most likely when life does slow down there's going to be another blog complaining about how bored I am, but for now, I'm just waiting for the lesson, and accept that I don't get to do everything in life....even though I'll try :) because one thing my good friend Huggy taught me was there is a lesson to be learned in all matters of life...which means, I need to pay attention b/c there's a lesson coming my way...oh great not more school!!! haha.


ps-autumn is SO beautiful. It's like each tree has individually combusted into flames, that don't burn, the colors just hang on the trees for a little while. I love fall :) :) :) 

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Intro to the life of....

My name's Yeoryia. I was born in Minneapolis, Min on April 6th. That makes me an Aries but I don't believe in zodiacs b/c I think it's total bull. However, I do really really like animals and so I like the idea of having a special animal in accordance to my birthday. Maybe that's hypocritical, I don't know...but I like rams so take that with a grain of salt. 

Anyway, I come from a sizable family, there's 6 of us, my parents and 4 kids. I'm the baby...YES! ...not... I have a brother, Christofer, and 2 sisters, Sophia and Eleni. They're probably the most important people in my life. My best friend also counts as my sister, her name's Erin. We've been friends since 7th grade and have never once fought.  My parents are also up there and the "top fav" list of people in my life. They have interesting stories the both of them but they can tell it better then me so I'm gonna leave their stories out of here. Needless to say, I'm extremely proud to be their daughter and more or less they're my greatest examples. 

My extended family is pretty tight too, on both sides. We're all a pretty different but we get along well enough, typical family....only cooler. 
As you can tell family is pretty important to me, in fact it is the most important thing too me, at least in this world. Interesting story there too, stay tuned. 

I go to the University of Minnesota, I'm a Biology Major and a Journalism Major. I know they're different but I've got a plan don't you worry. Other then my family I think Jane Goodall has been one of my oldest role models. jane Goodall is a world-famous zoologist. She studies chimpanzees in the Amazon rainforest. Since I was young I've always been fascinated by the rainforest and I am hell-bent on visiting it before it is completely destroyed....thank you unsustainable consumerism. 

Other then that, I love nature, I love family friends and good company, good cooks (food=necessity for my good nature), reading, writing, and exploring. i try to cook myself, I'm not half bad. To put it simply I'm kind of one of those people who like everything. Except, I don't like consciously viscous or mean people, people get upset and sometimes do/say things they don't mean, but being mean for the sake of being mean is retarded.
Oh yeah, I don't believe in political correctness (it not b/c I'm racist or a bigot, but b/c I won't hold my tongue if I think something needs to be said just b/c it's not "pc" as they say...).

 I believe strongly in compassion, love and most importantly the Trinity. 
